Receding Gums Treatment: Gingival Grafting

If you are looking at different kinds of receding gums treatment options, it’s good to know about how each one works. Gingival grafting is one option for cases where gingivitis may have advanced beyond the stages where it is easily treatable.

Stages of Gingivitis

In order to understand the gingival grafting process and why it is necessary, you have to consider the difference between two different types of gum tissue. The first type, the gingiva, is what helps the gums to bond to the teeth at the gum line. Deep underneath the gingiva is another gum tissue called mucosa, which does not bond the same way.

In the first stages of gingivitis, the gums start to recede away from the teeth, allowing more harmful bacteria to enter the area at or below the gum line. This turns into a vicious cycle where more bacteria causes further gum recession.

In the intermediate stages of gingivitis, the gingival has receded to the point where the mucosa may be exposed or vulnerable to bacterial infection. These are the cases where gingival grafting might be necessary.

About Gingival Grafting

The process of gingival grafting generally takes about 30 minutes to an hour. Dentists utilize local anesthesia for this treatment. In a gingival grafting procedure, the doctor takes some tissue from an area of the mouth and uses it to create a gingival kind of structure that will prevent further gum erosion.

Choosing Gingival Grafting

There are a number of benefits to using a gingival grafting procedure to reshape the gum area. Patients often choose gingival grafting in order to handle the erosion of the gums and to make the interior of the mouth look better. Your dentist can advise you on how to handle different stages of gingivitis, where home care and good dental hygiene can often reverse the gingival deterioration in the early stages. Getting regular deep cleanings and checkups is important to prevent worse symptoms of advanced gingivitis that can make surgical procedures necessary.

Always ask your dentist about the status of your teeth and gums when you go in for a regular dental checkup. Knowing where you stand in terms of gingivitis and periodontal disease will help you make good decisions about how to safeguard your dental health for the future and prevent some of the problems associated with gum disease. In addition to deterioration of the gums, gingivitis and advanced periodontitis can cause loss of teeth or cavities below the gum line, which can be extremely costly to treat and uncomfortable when not treated.

In addition to checking x-rays for bone loss, dentists can also measure gingival “pockets” in terms of millimeters and provide specific information on whether any parts of your mouth may be experiencing the first stages of gingivitis.

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