Types of Dentures

Loosing teeth is something only a child can expect and look forward to.ᅠ In your later years, tooth loss is not only permanent, but it can create many problems for your life.ᅠ A missing tooth (or missing teeth) can result in oral hygiene complications because they are traps for food bits that will feed bacteria growth.ᅠ It can also be difficult to chew and eat, especially in the case of hard foods like apples and nuts.ᅠ When the missing teeth are in the front, your smile can also be adversely affected with large gaps.ᅠ Lastly, a missing tooth can mean that all of your other teeth will begin to slowly shift position and become misaligned.

Luckily, there are many types of dentures designed to treat each specific case.ᅠ Dentures are prosthetic and removable teeth that can replicate the form and function of real teeth.ᅠ They're built from hard materials that have life-like colors and textures.

The types of dentures are as varied as there can be different combinations of missing teeth.ᅠ The following are just a few examples of the possibilities.

Full dentures are for those who have lost most of their teeth in one or both jaws.ᅠ Usually a full denture requires the removal of teeth that are diseased, dead, or dying.ᅠ Full dentures can't be placed until the gums have healed.ᅠ If there are any teeth remaining, they are usually kept to give the full denture more stability.ᅠ Another option for full dentures in the event of total tooth loss is a denture implant.ᅠ Denture implants are prosthetic rods inserted into the jawbone that act like roots for the full denture to anchor into.

Immediate dentures are put in place right after all of the teeth are removed.ᅠ For patients who can't afford to spend time healing without a mouth full of teeth, immediate dentures will be provided as a stopgap measure.ᅠ Your mouth will have to be monitored throughout the healing process to make adjustments to the fit.

Partial dentures are for single or multiple teeth that are lost.ᅠ When the gap in the jaw is still bounded by healthy teeth, a partial denture can act as a spacer to prevent the remaining teeth from shifting.ᅠ Most partial dentures use metal attachments to hook into adjacent teeth.

A popular alternative to partial dentures is a dental implant.ᅠ Dental implants are false teeth that are anchored into the jawbone through a rod.

Depending on your own case, one kind of denture will be ideal for you.ᅠ Consult your dentist today to discuss your treatment plan options.ᅠ

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