Root Canal Pain

A major dental discomfort that many people face is root canal pain, which is one of the most painful oral conditions a person can have. Root canal pain is a symptom of tooth decay and if it is not treated will result in rotten teeth. If left untreated, root canal pain caused by tooth decay can lead to a dead tooth. This is because root canal pain is a symptom of pulp infection. The only way to treat root canal pain is to either undergo root canal pain or have the affected tooth extracted.
As most individuals want to avoid tooth extraction and having a missing tooth, root canal therapy is really the only option. Root canal pain usually originates from either a cracked tooth or a deep cavity. These dental conditions allow bacteria to infect the pulp of a tooth. The pulp of a tooth is considered the lifeline of a tooth, as it contains the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue inside a tooth. The role of the tooth’s pulp is that it provides the tooth blood and nutrients. As a result, infected pulp will lead to tooth decay and root canal pain.

The need to obtain root canal therapy will become visibly evident when an abscess develops. An abscess is essentially a pocket of pus that forms at the tip of the tooth root. If root canal therapy is not sought at this point, tooth decay will continue at a pace that will cause root canal pain. The reason for this root canal pain is that damaged pulp causes increased blood flow and cellular activity. This pressure cannot be relieved from inside the tooth. As a result, until further dental action is obtained, root canal pain will flare up when a person’s bites down, chews, eat hot or cold foods, and drink hot or cold drinks. Although root canal therapy would seem like an easy solution, many people are afraid of undergoing this treatment because of the perception of how painful it is.

Many people ask, ”Is there significant pain after root canal therapy?” While, it’s true that root canal therapy can cause some discomfort, the pain after root canal treatment cannot possibly compare to the erosion (and eventual death) of a tooth. With the help of a good dentist, the pain after root canal therapy should be minimized.

When undergoing root canal therapy, it is the intention of a dentist that the patient notices as little discomfort possible from the affected tooth. However, most root canal therapy patients report that the first couple of days following the procedure that the tooth still feels tender. Although time is the best way to heal the pain after root canal treatment, there are some methods that effectively minimize tooth sensitivity.

One of these methods is to use over-the-counter analgesics that possess anti-inflammatory properties. Ibuprofen, Advil, and Motrin are some of the best choices that one can make to minimize the pain after root canal treatment. Of course, it is essential that the label, indications, and warnings of these products should be read prior to using them.

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